KnownCrossSection Applet
KnownCrossSection is used to illustrate volumes where the base is the area between two curves and the perpendicular cross sections are a known geometric shape, including circles, semicircles, squares (side or diagonal), and triangles (equilateral, right isoceles in two different orientations). The applet shows a representative slide which the user can move.
The applet tag that creates the applet is as follows:
<applet code="net.sourceforge.webcompmath.calculus.KnownCrossSection" codebase="../../assets"
archive="webcompmath.jar,calculus.jar" height="400" width="400">
<param name="UseLoadButton" value="no" />
<param name="Example1" value="1. Square on side;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;0;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example2" value="2. Square on diagonal;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;1;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example3" value="3. Semicircle;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;2;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example4" value="4. Circle;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;3;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example5" value="5. Equilateral Triangle;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;4;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example6" value="6.Right Isosceles Triangle on Hypotenuse;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;5;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example7" value="7.Right Isosceles Triangle on Leg;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;false;6;false;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
<param name="Example8" value="8. Square, slices horizontal;y+1;y^2;.5;0;1;true;false;0;true;-0.2,2,-0.4,1.2;10" />
<param name="Example9" value="9. You try!;x+1;x^2;.5;0;1;false;true;0;true;-0.4,1.2,-0.2,2;10" />
This applet takes the following parameters:
Param Name Type Default Description Example1, ... String N/A Each example is a list of strings separated by semicolons. The strings, in order, are:
1. The name of the example, displayed in the example menu.
2. The expression for f(x), the upper function.
3. The expression for g(x), the lower function.
4. The value for x.
5. The value for a.
6. The value for b.
7. Whether to interpret the functions as inverse relations and use horizontal slices. "true" means to interpret them as inverses and use horizontal slices. "false" means interpret them as normal functions and use vertical slices.
8. Whether to show the inverse check box or not. "true" means to show it, "false" means to hide it.
9. Sets the shape type. "0" is a square with a side on the base; "1" is a square with a diagonal on the base; "2" is a semicircle; "3" is a circle; "4" is an equilateral triangle; "5" is a right isosceles triangle with the hypotenuse on the base; "6" is a right isosceles triangle with a leg on the base.
10. Whether to show the shape choice box. "true" means to show it, "false" means to hide it.
11. The xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax to use for the graph, as a list of comma-separated numbers.
12. The width of the moveable slice in pixels