Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericGraphApplet

Uses of GenericGraphApplet in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Subclasses of GenericGraphApplet in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets
 class AnimatedGraph
          An applet belonging to the class AnimatedGraph displays a graph of a function that can depend on a parameter.
 class Continuity
          This applet extends the SimpleGraph configurable applet.
 class Derivatives
          The Derivatives applet shows the graphs of a function and of its first derivative.
 class EpsilonDelta
          An applet for exploring the epsilon-delta definition of a limit.
 class FamiliesOfGraphs
          An applet belonging to the class FamiliesOfGraphs displays a graph of a function that can depend on one or more parameters.
 class FunctionCombination
          A Function combination applet displays the graphs of three functions, f(x) and g(x), and their combination, h(x).
 class FunctionComposition
          A Function composation applet displays the graphs of two functions, f(x) and g(x), and their coposition, g(f(x)).
 class IntegralCurves
          This applet displays a vector field (f1(x,y),f2(x,y)) and integral curves for that vector field (although the integral curve feature can be turned off with an applet param).
 class MultiGraph
          The MultiApplet can display the graphs of several functions, in different colors.
 class Parametric
          This applet draws a parametric curve (x(t),y(t)), for t in a specified range of values.
 class RiemannSums
          The RiemannSums applet computes a Riemann sum for a given function and displays the sum and the rectangles that define the sum.
 class SecantTangent
          The SecantTangent applet is a rather special purpose applet that is supposed to show secant lines converging on a tangent line.
 class SimpleGraph
          SimpleGraph is a configureable applet that shows the graph of a function and, optionally, marks a point on the graph.