Uses of Class

Packages that use Cases

Uses of Cases in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Cases
 double ExpressionInput.EI.getValueWithCases(Cases c)
          Returns the value of the expression

Uses of Cases in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Cases
 void WCMExpressionInputBean.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Just pass this method on to func
 double WCMExpressionInputBean.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Just pass this method on to func
 double WCMExpressionInputBean.getValWithCases(Cases cases)
          Get the value, when used as just an expression, but with cases.

Uses of Cases in

Methods in with parameters of type Cases
 void ExpressionCommand.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          This routine is called when an ExpressionCommand object is encountered during the evaluation of an ExpressionProgram.
 void Constant.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Apply the Constant to the stack.
 void ConditionalExpression.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Apply this ConditionalExpression to the stack.
 boolean Cases.equals(Cases c)
          Test whether c contains exactly the same list of case values as this Cases object does.
 double ExpressionProgram.getValueWithCases(Cases c)
          Run the ExprssionProgram and return the value that it computes.
 double Expression.getValueWithCases(Cases cases)
          Compute and return the value of this expression.
 double Constant.getValueWithCases(Cases cases)
          Return the value of the Constant.
 double SimpleFunction.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function at the argument values argument[0], argument[1]....
 double Function.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function at the argument values given by arguments[0], arguments[1], ...

Uses of Cases in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Cases
 void WCMMouseVariableBean.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.
 double WCMMouseVariableBean.getValueWithCases(Cases cases)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.

Uses of Cases in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Cases
 void WrapperFunction.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Evaluate the function applied to argument values popped from the stack, and leave the result on the stack.
 void TableFunction.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Override method apply() from interface FunctionParserExtension, to handle cases properly.
 void FunctionParserExtension.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Evaluate the function applied to argument values popped from the stack, and leave the result on the stack.
 void ExpressionFunction.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function applied to arguments popped from the stack, and push the result back onto the stack.
 double WrapperFunction.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function at the argument values argument[0],....
 double TableFunction.getValueWithCases(double[] params, Cases cases)
          Get the value of the function at the specified parameter value.
 double ExpressionFunction.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Find the value of the function at the argument values given by arguments[0], arguments[1], ...

Uses of Cases in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans with parameters of type Cases
 void WCMExpressionFunctionBean.apply(StackOfDouble stack, Cases cases)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.
 double WCMExpressionFunctionBean.getValueWithCases(double[] arguments, Cases cases)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.