Uses of Interface

Packages that use MathObject

Uses of MathObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that implement MathObject
 class DataTableInput
          A DataTableInput lets the user input a grid of real numbers arranged in rows and columns.

Uses of MathObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that implement MathObject
 class WCMAnimatorBean
 class WCMDataTableInputBean
          This class extends DataTableInput to make it easier to use in GUI builder environments.
 class WCMExpressionInputBean
          This class is primarily for use with GUI builders like Eclipse VE.
 class WCMVariableInputBean
          JavaBean for VariableInput.
 class WCMVariableJSliderBean
          This bean extends VariableJSlider by adding a convenience property.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return MathObject
 MathObject WCMVariableJSliderBean.getMathObject()
          Returns the result of getVariable.
 MathObject WCMVariableInputBean.getMathObject()
          Calls getVariable to get the proper object to be added to a parser.
 MathObject WCMExpressionInputBean.getMathObject()
          Since this is a ParserExtension, just returns itself.
 MathObject WCMDataTableInputBean.getMathObject()
          Returns the object that can be added to a parser.
 MathObject WCMAnimatorBean.getMathObject()
          return the embedded variable.

Uses of MathObject in

Subinterfaces of MathObject in
 interface ParserExtension
          A ParserExtension can be defined to add new capabilities to a standard Parser.

Classes in that implement MathObject
 class Constant
          A Constant is a Value that represents a constant real number.
 class StandardFunction
          This class exists to associate standard functions, such as sin and abs, with their names.
 class Variable
          A Variable is a Value object whose value can be changed.

Fields in declared as MathObject
 MathObject ParserContext.tokenObject
          If the most recently read token was of type IDENTIFIER, then this is the corresponding MathObject from the symbol table, or null if the identifier is not in the symbol table.

Methods in that return MathObject
 MathObject SymbolTable.get(java.lang.String name)
          Look up the object with the given name, if any.
 MathObject ParserContext.get(java.lang.String name)
          Get the MathObject associated with name in the symbol table.
 MathObject Parser.get(java.lang.String name)
          Get the MathObject that has been registered with the parser under the given name.

Methods in with parameters of type MathObject
 void SymbolTable.add(MathObject sym)
          Adds sym to the SymbolTable, associating it with its name.
 void ParserContext.add(MathObject sym)
          Add a new MathObject to the symbol table.
 void Parser.add(MathObject sym)
          Register the MathObject with the Parser, associating it with its name.
 void SymbolTable.add(java.lang.String name, MathObject sym)
          Adds the given MathObject, sym, to the symbol table, associating it with the given name (which is probably the name of the symbol or that name transformed to lower case, but it doesn't have to be).

Uses of MathObject in

Subinterfaces of MathObject in
 interface ParserMathObject
          This interface provides a standard way for WCM beans to tell a WCMParserBean how to add them properly to a parser.

Classes in that implement MathObject
 class WCMConstantBean
 class WCMVariableBean
          This class is for use with GUI builders.

Methods in that return MathObject
 MathObject WCMVariableBean.getMathObject()
          Just returns itself.
 MathObject ParserMathObject.getMathObject()
          Get the MathObject for adding to a parser.

Uses of MathObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that implement MathObject
 class WCMMouseVariableBean
          This class is a convenience class used when creating applications via a GUI builder.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that return MathObject
 MathObject WCMMouseVariableBean.getMathObject()
          Just return the variable.

Uses of MathObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that implement MathObject
 class DerivParser
          The DerivParser class makes it possible to use symbolic derivatives such as Deriv(x,0,x^2) in a Parser.
 class ExpressionFunction
          An ExpressionFunction is a Function that is created from an expression and a list of variables that serve as the parameter(s) of the function.
 class FunctionParserExtension
          An object belonging to a concrete subclass of FunctionParserExtesion is a mathematical function that can be registered with a Parser and then used in strings that are parsed by that parser.
 class NumDerivParser
          The NumDerivParser class makes it possible to use numerical derivatives such as numDeriv(x,0,x^2) in a Parser.
 class NumIntParser
          The NumIntParser class makes it possible to use numerical definite integrals, such as numInt(xx,0,5,xx^2) in a Parser.
 class NumMinMaxParser
          The NumMinMaxParser class makes it possible to use numerical minimums and maximums, such as numMin(xx,0,5,xx^2) in a Parser.
 class SummationParser
          The SummationParser class makes it possible to use summations such as sum(i,1,5,x^i) in a Parser.
 class TableFunction
          A TableFunction is a function that is specified by a table of (x,y)-points.
 class WrapperFunction
          A WrapperFunction contains another function and delegates to it all calls to methods from the Function interface, except for calls to setName() and getName().

Uses of MathObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that implement MathObject
 class WCMDerivativeBean
          This class is used with GUI builders to create an object that is the derivative of some function.
 class WCMExpressionFunctionBean
          This bean extends ExpressionFunction.
 class WCMTableFunctionBean
          This bean implements a TableFunction.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that return MathObject
 MathObject WCMTableFunctionBean.getMathObject()
          Since this is a ParserExtension, just returns itself.
 MathObject WCMExpressionFunctionBean.getMathObject()
          Since this is a ParserExtension, just returns itself.
 MathObject WCMDerivativeBean.getMathObject()
          Returns itself