Uses of Class

Packages that use Parser

Uses of Parser in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets declared as Parser
protected  Parser GenericGraphApplet.parser
          The parser which is used for parsing input from the functionInput box.

Uses of Parser in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt declared as Parser
protected  Parser ExpressionInput.parser
          A parser for parsing the user's input expression.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Parser
 Parser ExpressionInput.getParser()
          test pkhg 050418

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Parser
 void VariableSlider.addTo(Parser p)
          A convenience method that registers this VariableSlider's variable with p (but only if both p and the name of the variable are non-null).
 void VariableJSlider.addTo(Parser p)
          A convenience method that registers this VariableJSlider's variable with p (but only if both p and the name of the variable are non-null).
 void VariableInput.addTo(Parser p)
          A convenience method that registers this VariableInput's variable with Parser p (but only if both p and the name of the variable are non-null).
 void DataTableInput.addVariablesToParser(Parser p)
          Add a row number variable (from the getRowNumberVariable() method) and a column variable for each column (from the getColumnVariable() method) to the parser.
 void DataTableInput.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          Required by the ParserExtension interface and not meant to be called directly.
 void ExpressionInput.setParser(Parser p)
          Set the parser that is used to parse the user's input strings.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Parser
ExpressionInput(java.lang.String initialValue, Parser p)
          Create an ExpressionInputBox with initial contents given by initialValue.
VariableInput(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String initialString, Parser parser)
          Create a VariableInput just as in the constructor VariableInput(String,String).
VariableJSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableJSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p, int intervals, int orientation)
          Create a variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p, int intervals, int orientation)
          Create a variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).

Uses of Parser in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return Parser
 Parser WCMDataTableInputBean.getParser()
          Get the parser.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Parser
 void WCMExpressionInputBean.doParse(Parser p, ParserContext context)
          Just pass this method on to func
 void WCMDataTableInputBean.setParser(Parser newParser)
          Set the parser to use.

Uses of Parser in

Methods in with parameters of type Parser
 void ParserExtension.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          Parses the part of an expression string associated with this ParserExtension.

Constructors in with parameters of type Parser
Parser(Parser parent)
          Create a Parser with the specified parent.
Parser(Parser parent, int options)
          Create a Parser with the specified parent.

Uses of Parser in

Subclasses of Parser in
 class WCMParserBean
          This class is for use with GUI builders.

Constructors in with parameters of type Parser
WCMParserBean(Parser parent)
          Constructor with parent
WCMParserBean(Parser parent, int options)
          Constructor with parent and options

Uses of Parser in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that return Parser
 Parser ImplicitFunction.getParser()

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Parser
 void SummationParser.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          When the name of this ParserExtension is encountered by a parser with which the extension is registered, the parser calls this routine to parse the summation subexpression.
 void NumMinMaxParser.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          When the name of this ParserExtension is encountered by a parser with which the extension is registered, the parser calls this routine to parse the subexpression.
 void NumIntParser.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          When the name of this ParserExtension is encountered by a parser with which the extension is registered, the parser calls this routine to parse the integration subexpression.
 void NumDerivParser.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          When the name of this ParserExtension is encountered by a parser with which the extension is registered, the parser calls this routine to parse the subexpression.
 void FunctionParserExtension.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          If this ParserExtension is registered with a parser and the parser encounters the name of the function in the string it is parsing, then the parser will call this routine.
 void DerivParser.doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          When the name of this ParserExtension is encountered by a parser with which the extension is registered, the parser calls this routine to parse the subexpression.
 void ExpressionFunction.redefine(java.lang.String def, Parser parser)
          Set the definition of this function, using the specified parser (or a default parser if parser is null).

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Parser
ExpressionFunction(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] paramNames, java.lang.String def, Parser parser)
          Constuct a function of one or more parameters by parsing the String, def, to get the definition of the function.