Uses of Class

Packages that use Variable

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets declared as Variable
protected  Variable GenericGraphApplet.xVar
          The variable that is created and added to the parser.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Variable
protected  Variable DataTableInput.getColumnVariable(int columnNum)
          Return a column variable for the specified column, where columns are numbered starting from 1.
protected  Variable DataTableInput.getRowNumberVariable()
          Get a variable that represents the current row number in the table, as set by the setCurrentRowNumber() method.
 Variable Animator.getValueAsVariable()
          Get a variable whose value is always equal to the value of the animator.
 Variable Animator.getValueAsVariable(java.lang.String name)
          Get a variable whose value is always equal to the value of the animator.
 Variable VariableSlider.getVariable()
          Return the variable associated with this VariableSlider.
 Variable VariableJSlider.getVariable()
          Return the variable associated with this VariableJSlider.
 Variable VariableInput.getVariable()
          Get the associated variable for the VariableInput box.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Variable
 boolean ExpressionInput.EI.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Get whether this expression depends on a particular variable
 Expression ExpressionInput.EI.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Get the derivative of the expression
 Function ExpressionInput.getFunction(Variable v)
          Get a function of one variable whose value at a real number x is computed by assigning x to the variable v and then returning the value of the expression associated with this ExpressionInput.
 Function ExpressionInput.getFunction(Variable[] v)
          Get a function of one or more variables whose value at arguments x1, x2, etc is computed by assigning the x's to the variables and then returning the value of the expression associated with this ExpressionInput.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return Variable
 Variable WCMExpressionInputBean.getVariable()
          Get the variable to be used when this class is treaded as a function of one variable
 Variable WCMExpressionInputBean.getVariable2()
          Get the variable to be used when this class is treaded as a function of one variable

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Variable
 void WCMExpressionInputBean.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          Just pass this method on to func
 boolean WCMExpressionInputBean.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Just pass this method on to func
 Function WCMExpressionInputBean.derivative(Variable x)
          Just pass this method on to func
 void WCMExpressionInputBean.setVariable(Variable v)
          Set the variable to be used when this class is treated as a function of one variable.
 void WCMExpressionInputBean.setVariable2(Variable v)
          Set the variable to be used when this class is treated as a function of one variable.

Uses of Variable in

Methods in with parameters of type Variable
 void Variable.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          Add a command to deriv to evaluate the derivative of this Variable with respect to the Variable wrt.
 void ExpressionCommand.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          The ExpressionCommand occurs in the program prog at the index indicated by myIndex.
 void Constant.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          Add a commands to deriv to evaluate the derivative of this Constant with respect to the variable.
 void ConditionalExpression.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          Add commands to deriv that evaluate the derivative of this conditional expression with respect to the variable wrt.
 void ExpressionProgram.compileDerivative(int index, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          The command at position index in the program represents a subexpression of the whole expression.
 void ExpressionProgram.copyEntireWithSubstitution(ExpressionProgram destination, ExpressionProgram subExpr, Variable var)
          This method copies all of the expression with substitution.
 void ExpressionProgram.copyWithSubstitution(int index, ExpressionProgram destination, ExpressionProgram subExpr, Variable var)
          The command at position index in the program represents a subexpression of the whole expression.
 boolean ExpressionProgram.dependsOn(int index, Variable x)
          The command at position index in the program represents a subexpression of the whole expression.
 boolean Variable.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Check whether the value of this variable depends on the value of x.
 boolean SimpleFunction.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if the definition of this function depends in some way on the variable x.
 boolean Function.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if the defintion of this function depends in some way on the variable x.
 boolean ExpressionProgram.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Checks whether the expression as a whole has any dependence on the variable x.
 boolean ExpressionCommand.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if this command depends on the value of x, false otherwise.
 boolean Expression.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Checks whether the expression has any dependence on the variable x.
 boolean Constant.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return false, since the value of this Constant is independent of the value of x.
 boolean ConditionalExpression.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Returns true if x occurs in either the trueCase or the falseCase expression.
 Expression Variable.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Return the derivative of this Variable with respect to the Variable wrt.
 Function SimpleFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.
 Function Function.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.
 Expression ExpressionProgram.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Compute the derivative of this expression with respect to the Variable wrt.
 Expression Expression.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Return an Expression that represents the derivative of this expression with respect to the variable wrt.
 Expression Constant.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Return the derivative of this Constant with respect to the variable wrt.
 void Parser.setVariable(Variable inVar)
          added by PKHG 050415 to make visual building of GraphApplet1 possible

Constructors in with parameters of type Variable
SimpleFunction(Expression e, Variable v)
          Create the function of one variable such that the value of the function at x is obtained by temporarily assigning x as the value of the variable v and then evaluating e.
SimpleFunction(Expression e, Variable[] v)
          Create a function.

Uses of Variable in

Subclasses of Variable in
 class WCMVariableBean
          This class is for use with GUI builders.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that return Variable
 Variable MouseVar.getXVar()
          Get the variable associated with the x position
 Variable MouseTracker.getXVar()
          Get the variable whose value represents the x-coordinate of the MouseTracker.
 Variable DraggablePoint.getXVar()
          Get the variable that represents the current x-value of the point.
 Variable MouseVar.getYVar()
          Get the variable associated with the y position
 Variable MouseTracker.getYVar()
          Get the variable whose value represents the y-coordinate of the MouseTracker.
 Variable DraggablePoint.getYVar()
          Get the variable that represents the current y-value of the point.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Subclasses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans
 class WCMMouseVariableBean
          This class is a convenience class used when creating applications via a GUI builder.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Variable
 void WCMMouseVariableBean.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.
 boolean WCMMouseVariableBean.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.
 Expression WCMMouseVariableBean.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions declared as Variable
protected  Variable[] ExpressionFunction.params
          Variable(s) that act as the parameters.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that return Variable
 Variable ImplicitFunction.getXVar()
 Variable ImplicitFunction.getYVar()

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Variable
 void FunctionParserExtension.compileDerivative(ExpressionProgram prog, int myIndex, ExpressionProgram deriv, Variable wrt)
          The function object occurs as a command at index myIndex in prog.
 boolean WrapperFunction.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if the definition of this function depends in some way on the variable x.
 boolean TableFunction.dependsOn(Variable wrt)
          Returns false.
 boolean ExpressionFunction.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Return true if the definition of this function depends in some way on the variable x.
 Function WrapperFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x (where x is NOT one of the parameters of the function).
 Function TableFunction.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Returns null.
 Function ExpressionFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Variable
ExpressionFunction(java.lang.String name, Variable[] params, Expression definition)
          Construct a function from a list of variables that serve as parameters and an expression that, presumably, can include those variables.

Uses of Variable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that return Variable
 Variable WCMExpressionFunctionBean.getVariable()
          Get the first variable to be used when this class is treaded as a function of one or two variables.
 Variable WCMExpressionFunctionBean.getVariable2()
          Get the 2nd variable to be used when this class is treaded as a function of two variables.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans with parameters of type Variable
 boolean WCMExpressionFunctionBean.dependsOn(Variable x)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.
 Function WCMExpressionFunctionBean.derivative(Variable x)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.