Uses of Class

Packages that use WCMParametricCurveBean

Uses of WCMParametricCurveBean in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Subclasses of WCMParametricCurveBean in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans
 class WCMPolarCurveBean
          This convenience class enables you to plot polar curves.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that return WCMParametricCurveBean
 WCMParametricCurveBean WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getParametricCurve1()
          Get parametric curve controlled by this panel.
 WCMParametricCurveBean WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getParametricCurve2()
          Get parametric curve controlled by this panel.
 WCMParametricCurveBean WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getParametricCurve3()
          Get parametric curve controlled by this panel.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type WCMParametricCurveBean
 void WCMLimitControlPanelBean.setParametricCurve1(WCMParametricCurveBean pc)
          Tell the parametric curve to use the fields in the limit control panel for its tmin, tmax, and tintervals.
 void WCMLimitControlPanelBean.setParametricCurve2(WCMParametricCurveBean pc)
          Tell the parametric curve to use the fields in the limit control panel for its tmin, tmax, and tintervals.
 void WCMLimitControlPanelBean.setParametricCurve3(WCMParametricCurveBean pc)
          Tell the parametric curve to use the fields in the limit control panel for its tmin, tmax, and tintervals.