Interface Computable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Controller, CoordinateRect, Crosshair, DisplayCanvas, DisplayLabel, DrawGeometric, DrawString, Graph1D, ParametricCurve, RiemannArcLength, RiemannSlice, RiemannSumRects, ScatterPlot, Sequence, TangentLine, VectorField, WCMAxisTickBean, WCMCrossHairBean, WCMDisplayCanvasBean, WCMDisplayLabelBean, WCMDrawGeometricBean, WCMDrawStringBean, WCMFunctionLabelBean, WCMGraph1DBean, WCMIntegralCurveBean, WCMParametricCurveBean, WCMPolarCurveBean, WCMRiemannArcLengthBean, WCMRiemannSliceBean, WCMRiemannSumRectsBean, WCMScatterPlotBean, WCMSequenceBean, WCMTangentLineBean, WCMVectorFieldBean

public interface Computable

A Computable is an object that performs some sort of computation or action when its compute() method is called. The compute() method is meant to be called (usually) by a Controller. See the Controller class for more information.

Method Summary
 void compute()
          Perform the computation or action associated with this Computable object.

Method Detail


void compute()
Perform the computation or action associated with this Computable object.