Class Controller

  extended by net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.Controller
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener, java.awt.event.ItemListener, java.awt.event.TextListener,, java.util.EventListener, Computable, InputObject

public class Controller
extends java.lang.Object
implements, Computable, InputObject, java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener, java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.TextListener, java.awt.event.ItemListener

Controllers are the focus of all the action in the JCM system. A Controller can be set to listen for changes (generally changes in user input). This is done by registering the Controller with (usally) an InputObject. For example, if a Controller, c, is to respond when the user presses return in a VariableInput, v, then v.setOnUserAction(c) should be called to arrange to have the Controller listen for such actions. VariableSliders, ExpressionInputs, MouseTrackers, Animators have a similar methods. It is also possible to set the Controller to listen for events of type AdjustmentEvent, ActionEvent, TextEvent, or ItemEvent (but this feature is left over from an older version of JCM, and I'm not sure whether it's necessary). Whenever a Controller learns of some change, it will process any InputObjects, Ties, and Computables that have been registered with it.

InputObjects and Computables have to be added to a Controller to be processed, using the Controller's add method. (If you build your inteface out of JCMPanels, then this is done automatically.) (Note that an InputObject is added to a Controller to have its value checked -- This is separate from registering the Controller to listen for changes in the InputObject. Often, you have to do both.) The gatherInputs() method in class JCMPanel can be used to do most of this registration automaticaly.

A Tie that synchronizes two or more Values, to be effective, has to be added to a Controller. See the Tie class for inforamtion about what Ties are and how they are used.

A Controller can have an associated ErrorReporter, which is used to report any errors that occur during the processing. Currently, an ErrorReporter is either a DisplayCanvas or a MessagePopup.

A Controller can be added to another Controller, which then becomes a sub-controller. Whenever the main Controller hears some action, it also notifies all its sub-controllers about the action. Furthermore, it can report errors that occur in the sub-controllers, if they don't have their own error reporters. (Usually, you will just set an error reporter for the top-level Controller.)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Vector computables
          Computable objects controlled by this controller.
protected  java.lang.String errorMessage
          If non-null, this is an error message that has been reported and not yet cleared.
protected  ErrorReporter errorReporter
          Used for reporting errors that occur in the compute() method of this controller.
protected  java.util.Vector inputs
          InputObjects controlled by this controller.
protected  Controller parent
          The parent of this controller, if any.
protected  java.util.Vector ties
          Ties that have been added to this controller.
Constructor Summary
          Create a Controller.
Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
          Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an ActionEvent.
 void add(java.lang.Object obj)
          Add an object to be controlled by this controller.
 void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent evt)
          Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an AdjustmantEvent.
 void checkInput()
          Call checkInput() of each InputObject.
protected  void clearErrorMessage()
          Clear the error message.
 void compute()
          When an contoller computes, it first calls checkInput() for any InputOjects that it controls (including those in sub-controllers).
protected  void doCompute()
          Compute the Computables in this controller and its sub-controllers.
protected  void doTies()
          Check the Ties in this controller and its sub-controllers.
 void errorCleared()
          Should be called by the ErrorReporter if the ErrorReporter clears the error itself.
 void gatherInputs()
          Calles notifyControllerOnChange(this).
 ErrorReporter getErrorReporter()
          Get the ErrorReporter for this Controller.
 Controller getParent()
          Get the parent of this controller.
 void itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt)
          Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an ItemEvent.
 void notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, calls the same method recursively on any input objects controlled by this controller.
 void remove(java.lang.Object obj)
          Remove the object from the controller (if present).
 void removeFromParent()
          If this controller has a parent, remove it from its parent.
 void reportError(java.lang.String message)
          Report the specified error message.
 void setAllErrorReporters(ErrorReporter r)
          Method for recursively setting this controller's error reporter and all child controllers.
 void setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter r)
          Set the ErrorReporter used to report errors that occur when the compute() method of this Controller is executed.
 void textValueChanged(java.awt.event.TextEvent evt)
          Simply calls compute when the Controller hears a TextEvent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Vector computables
Computable objects controlled by this controller. Note that Controllers are Computables, so this list can include sub-controllers.


protected java.util.Vector inputs
InputObjects controlled by this controller. Note that Controllers are InputObjects, so this list can include sub-controllers.


protected java.util.Vector ties
Ties that have been added to this controller.


protected ErrorReporter errorReporter
Used for reporting errors that occur in the compute() method of this controller. If the errorReporter is null and if this controller has a parent, then the parent will report the error. If no ancestor has an errorReporter, the error message is written to standard output.


protected Controller parent
The parent of this controller, if any. This is set automatically when one controller is added to another.


protected java.lang.String errorMessage
If non-null, this is an error message that has been reported and not yet cleared.

Constructor Detail


public Controller()
Create a Controller.

Method Detail


public void setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter r)
Set the ErrorReporter used to report errors that occur when the compute() method of this Controller is executed.

r - the error reporter to use


public void setAllErrorReporters(ErrorReporter r)
Method for recursively setting this controller's error reporter and all child controllers.

r -


public ErrorReporter getErrorReporter()
Get the ErrorReporter for this Controller. Return null if there is none.

the error reporter previously set


public void add(java.lang.Object obj)
Add an object to be controlled by this controller. It should be of one or more of the types InputObject, Computable, Tie. If it is a Controller, then this Controller becomes its parent.

obj - the object to be controlled


public void remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Remove the object from the controller (if present).

obj - the object to be removed


public void removeFromParent()
If this controller has a parent, remove it from its parent. (Then, a call to the former parent's compute() method will not call this controller's compute().)


public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an ActionEvent. This is not meant to be called directly.

Specified by:
actionPerformed in interface java.awt.event.ActionListener
evt - the event


public void textValueChanged(java.awt.event.TextEvent evt)
Simply calls compute when the Controller hears a TextEvent. This is not meant to be called directly.

Specified by:
textValueChanged in interface java.awt.event.TextListener
evt - the event


public void adjustmentValueChanged(java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent evt)
Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an AdjustmantEvent. This is not meant to be called directly.

Specified by:
adjustmentValueChanged in interface java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener
evt - the event


public void itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt)
Simply calls compute when the Controller hears an ItemEvent. This is not meant to be called directly.

Specified by:
itemStateChanged in interface java.awt.event.ItemListener
evt - the event


public void compute()
When an contoller computes, it first calls checkInput() for any InputOjects that it controls (including those in sub-controllers). It then handles any Ties. Finally, it calls the compute() method of any Computables. If an error occurs, it reports it. JCMErrors (which should represent errors on the part of the user) will generally only occur during the checkInput() phase. Internal, programmer errors can occur at any time and might leave the sytem in an unhappy state. They are reported as debugging aids for the programmer. When one occurs, a stack trace is printed to standard output.

Specified by:
compute in interface Computable


public void checkInput()
Call checkInput() of each InputObject. Can throw a JCMError. This is mostly meant to be called by Controller.compute(). Note that this will recurse though any sub-controllers of this controller, so that when comput() is called, all the InputObjects in the sub-controllers are processed before ANY Tie or Computable is processed. Similarly, the Ties and Computables in the sub-controllers are processed in separate passes.

Specified by:
checkInput in interface InputObject


protected void doTies()
Check the Ties in this controller and its sub-controllers.


protected void doCompute()
Compute the Computables in this controller and its sub-controllers.


public void reportError(java.lang.String message)
Report the specified error message.

message - the message to be reported


protected void clearErrorMessage()
Clear the error message.


public void errorCleared()
Should be called by the ErrorReporter if the ErrorReporter clears the error itself. (This is only used to avoid repeatedly setting the same error message, during an animation for example.)


public void notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, calls the same method recursively on any input objects controlled by this controller. This is meant to be called by JCMPanel.gatherInputs().

Specified by:
notifyControllerOnChange in interface InputObject
c - the controller to use


public void gatherInputs()
Calles notifyControllerOnChange(this). That is, it sets all the InputObjects in this Controller, and in subcontrollers, to notify this Controller when they change.


public Controller getParent()
Get the parent of this controller.

the parent controller