Uses of Class

Packages that use Controller

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets declared as Controller
protected  Controller
          The controller used for the crosshair.
protected  Controller GenericGraphApplet.mainController
          The Controller from the mainPanel.

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt declared as Controller
protected  Controller Controller.parent
          The parent of this controller, if any.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Controller
 Controller WcmPanel.getController()
          Return the controller associated with this WcmPanel.
 Controller VariableInput.getOnTextChange()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified when the text in this input box changes
 Controller ExpressionInput.getOnTextChange()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified whenever the text in this input box changes
 Controller VariableSlider.getOnUserAction()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified when the user adjusts the position of the scroll bar.
 Controller VariableJSlider.getOnUserAction()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified when the user adjusts the position of the scroll bar.
 Controller VariableInput.getOnUserAction()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified when the user presses return in this text-input box.
 Controller ExpressionInput.getOnUserAction()
          Return the Controller, if any, that is notified when the user presses return in this text-input box.
 Controller ComputeButton.getOnUserAction()
          Return the controlller whose compute() method is called when the user clicks this button.
 Controller Controller.getParent()
          Get the parent of this controller.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Controller
 void VariableSlider.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void VariableJSlider.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void VariableInput.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void InputObject.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          This method was introduced to provide a common interface for setting a Controller that is to be notified when there is a change in the InputObject.
 void ExpressionInput.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void Controller.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, calls the same method recursively on any input objects controlled by this controller.
 void Animator.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by the InputObject interface.
 void WcmPanel.setController(Controller c)
          Set the controller for the panel.
 void MessagePopup.setErrorMessage(Controller c, java.lang.String message)
          Show the given message in a dialog box or independent window, depending on whether the source component is contained in a Frame or not.
 void ErrorReporter.setErrorMessage(Controller source, java.lang.String message)
          Report the specifed message as an error.
 void VariableInput.setOnTextChange(Controller c)
          If the Controller, cm is non-null, then its compute() method will be called whenever the text in this input box changes.
 void ExpressionInput.setOnTextChange(Controller c)
          If the parameter, c, is non-null, then its compute method will be called whenever the text in this input box changes.
 void VariableSlider.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          If the Controller, c, is non-null, then its compute method will be called whenever the user adjusts the position of the scroll bar.
 void VariableJSlider.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          If the Controller, c, is non-null, then its compute method will be called whenever the user adjusts the position of the scroll bar.
 void VariableInput.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          If the Controller, c, is non-null, then its compute() method will be called whenever the user presses the return key while typing in this text-input box.
 void ExpressionInput.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          If the parameter c is non-null, then its compute method will be called whenever the user presses the return key while typing in this text-input box.
 void ComputeButton.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          Set the controller whose compute() method is called when the user clicks this button.

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return Controller
 Controller WCMPanelBean.getController()
          Return the controller associated with this WCMPanelBean
static Controller WCMPanelBean.getMainController()
          Get the main controller for all the WCMPanelBeans.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Controller
 void WCMComputeButtonBean.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Required for InputObject interface; just set the controller to notify
 void WCMPanelBean.setController(Controller c)
          Set the controller for this WCMPanelBean

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw declared as Controller
protected  Controller CoordinateRect.onChange
          If non-null, this is the Controller that is notified when the limits change.
protected  Controller MouseTracker.onUserAction
          If this is non-null, then its compute() method is called when the user clicks the mouse and, if listenForDrags is also true, when the user drags and releases the mouse.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that return Controller
 Controller CoordinateRect.getOnChange()
          Get the controller that is notified when the limits on this CoordinateRect change.
 Controller Panner.getOnFinishDrag()
          Get the Controller that is notified when the user finishs a drag.
 Controller Panner.getOnUserAction()
          Get the Controller that is notified when the user moves the mouse during a drag.
 Controller MouseTracker.getOnUserAction()
          Get the Controller that responds when a user mouse action is detected by this MouseTracker.
 Controller DraggablePoint.getOnUserAction()
          Get the Controller that is notified when the user drags the point.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Controller
 void MouseTracker.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void LimitControlPanel.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by CheckInput interface.
 void DraggablePoint.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it simply calls setOnUserAction(c).
 void DisplayCanvas.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, calls the same method recursively on any CoordinateRects contained in this DisplayCanvas.
 void CoordinateRect.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Method required by InputObject interface; in this class, it calls the same method recursively on any input objects containted in this CoordinateRect.
 void DisplayCanvas.setErrorMessage(Controller c, java.lang.String message)
          Set an error message to be displayed on the canvas.
 void CoordinateRect.setOnChange(Controller c)
          Specify a controller to be notified when the limits on this CoordinateRect change.
 void Panner.setOnFinishDrag(Controller c)
          Set a Controller that will be notified (by calling its compute method) whenever the user finishes a drag operation.
 void Panner.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          Set a Controller that will be notified (by calling its compute method) whenever the user moves the mouse during a drag.
 void MouseTracker.setOnUserAction(Controller onUserAction)
          Set a Controller to respond to user mouse actions tracked by this MouseTracker.
 void DraggablePoint.setOnUserAction(Controller c)
          Set the Controller that is to be notified when the user drags the point.

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Controller
 void WCMLimitControlPanelBean.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Save the controller (used only for parametric fields).
 void WCMDisplayCanvasBean.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Overrides the version in DisplayCanvas so we can remember the controller.

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that return Controller
 Controller TableFunctionInput.getOnChange()
          Get the Controller that is notified when the user edits the data in this panel.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Controller
 void TableFunctionInput.setOnChange(Controller c)
          Specify a controller whose compute() method will be called whenever the user edits the data in this TableFunctionInput panel.

Uses of Controller in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans with parameters of type Controller
 void WCMTableFunctionGraphBean.notifyControllerOnChange(Controller c)
          Set the controllers.