Uses of Interface

Packages that use InputObject

Uses of InputObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that implement InputObject
 class Animator
          An Animator can change a value continuously, without user intervention, by running a separate Thread.
 class Controller
          Controllers are the focus of all the action in the JCM system.
 class ExpressionInput
          An ExpressionInput is an input box that allows the user input a mathematical expression.
 class VariableInput
          A VariableInput is an input box into which the user can type a real number value, which becomes the value of an associated Variable.
 class VariableJSlider
          A VariableJSlider is a slider (implemented as a JSlider) whose position represents the value of an associated variable.
 class VariableSlider
          A VariableSlider is a slider (implemented as a JScrollbar) whose position represents the value of an associated variable.

Uses of InputObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that implement InputObject
 class WCMAnimatorBean
 class WCMComputeButtonBean
          This bean is for use with the Eclipse Visual Editor.
 class WCMExpressionInputBean
          This class is primarily for use with GUI builders like Eclipse VE.
 class WCMVariableInputBean
          JavaBean for VariableInput.
 class WCMVariableJSliderBean
          This bean extends VariableJSlider by adding a convenience property.

Uses of InputObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that implement InputObject
 class CoordinateRect
          A CoordinateRect represents a rectagular region in the xy-plane, specified by values xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax.
 class DisplayCanvas
          A DisplayCanvas is a drawing area that can contain one or more CoordinateRects.
 class DraggablePoint
          A DraggablePoint can be added to a DisplayCanvas, where it appears as a small disk, square, or cross.
 class LimitControlPanel
          A LimitControlPanel has four input boxes for specifying the xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax of a CoodinateRect.
 class MouseTracker
          A MouseTracker can be added to a CoordinateRect in a DisplayCanvas to respond to user mouse actions in the rectangular area occupied by the CoordinateRect.

Uses of InputObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that implement InputObject
 class WCMDisplayCanvasBean
          This class extends DisplayCanvas and is primarily for use with GUI builders.
 class WCMDraggablePointBean
 class WCMLimitControlPanelBean
          This class is intended for use with GUI builders.
 class WCMMouseTrackerBean

Uses of InputObject in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that implement InputObject
 class WCMTableFunctionGraphBean
          This bean supports graphing of a table function and allows the definition points to be shown and manipulated.