Uses of Class

Packages that use Tie

Uses of Tie in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Tie
 void VariableSlider.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Change the value and serial number of this object to match those of newest.
 void VariableJSlider.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Change the value and serial number of this object to match those of newest.
 void VariableInput.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Synchronize serial number and value with newest, unless this VariableInput is itself newest.
 void Tieable.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          This routine is called to tell this Tieable that the serial numbers of the Tieables that have been added to the Tie do not match.
 void Animator.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Part of the Tieable interface.

Uses of Tie in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Subclasses of Tie in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans
 class WCMTieBean
          This bean extends Tie to make it useable with GUI builders.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Tie
 void WCMPanelBean.setTie1(Tie t)
          Convenience setter method to add a tie to the controller for a panel.
 void WCMPanelBean.setTie2(Tie t)
          Convenience setter method to add a tie to the controller for a panel.
 void WCMPanelBean.setTie3(Tie t)
          Convenience setter method to add a tie to the controller for a panel.

Uses of Tie in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw declared as Tie
protected  Tie LimitControlPanel.syncWith
          A Tie holding this panel and the CoordinateRects that it controls.
protected  Tie CoordinateRect.syncWith
          This contains other Limit objects with which the CoordinateRect is synchronizing.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Tie
 void CoordinateRect.setSyncWith(Tie tie)
          Set the Tie object that is used to synchronize this CoordinareRect with other objects.
 void LimitControlPanel.sync(Tie t, Tieable newest)
          Part of the Tieable interface, and not meant to be called directly.
 void CoordinateRect.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Part of the Tieable interface.

Uses of Tie in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Tie
 void WCMMouseVariableBean.sync(Tie tie, Tieable newest)
          Passed through to the MouseVar variable.