Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets declared as Value
protected  Value SimpleGraph.yValue
          The y value of the function.

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that implement Value
 class Animator
          An Animator can change a value continuously, without user intervention, by running a separate Thread.
 class ExpressionInput
          An ExpressionInput is an input box that allows the user input a mathematical expression.
protected  class ExpressionInput.EI
          The expression associated with an ExpressionInput belongs to this class.
 class VariableInput
          A VariableInput is an input box into which the user can type a real number value, which becomes the value of an associated Variable.
 class VariableJSlider
          A VariableJSlider is a slider (implemented as a JSlider) whose position represents the value of an associated variable.
 class VariableSlider
          A VariableSlider is a slider (implemented as a JScrollbar) whose position represents the value of an associated variable.

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt declared as Value
protected  Value VariableJSlider.intervalsValue
          The number of possible values of the slider, represented as a Value.
protected  Value VariableSlider.max
          The Value that specify the max represented by the slider.
protected  Value VariableJSlider.max
          The max value.
protected  Value VariableSlider.min
          The Value that specify the min represented by the slider.
protected  Value VariableJSlider.min
          The Values that specify the range of values represented by the slider.
protected  Value[] DisplayLabel.values
          Value objects whose values will be substituted for #'s in text.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Value
 Value Animator.getIntervals()
          Get the Value object that specifies the number of frames in the animation.
 Value VariableJSlider.getIntervalsValue()
          Get the number of slider steps as a Value object.
 Value VariableSlider.getMax()
          Get the Value object that gives the value of the variable when the slider is at the right (or top) of the scrollbar.
 Value VariableJSlider.getMax()
          Get the Value object that gives the value of the variable when the slider is at the right (or top) of the slider.
 Value Animator.getMax()
          Get the Value object that specifies the final value of the Animator.
 Value VariableSlider.getMin()
          Get the Value object that gives the value of the variable when the slider is at the left (or bottom) of the scrollbar.
 Value VariableJSlider.getMin()
          Get the Value object that gives the value of the variable when the slider is at the left (or bottom) of the slider.
 Value Animator.getMin()
          Get the Value object that specifies the starting value of the Animator.
 Value[] DisplayLabel.getValues()
          Get the array of Value objects whose values are displayed in this DisplayLabel.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Value
 void Animator.setIntervals(Value intervals)
          Set the Value object that specifies the number of frames in the animation.
 void VariableJSlider.setIntervalsValue(Value v)
          Set the number of slider steps as a Value object.
 void VariableSlider.setMax(Value v)
          Set the value that the variable has when the slider is at the right (or top) of the scrollbar.
 void VariableJSlider.setMax(Value v)
          Set the value that the variable has when the slider is at the right (or top) of the slider.
 void Animator.setMax(Value max)
          Set the Value object that gives the final value of the Animator.
 void VariableSlider.setMin(Value v)
          Set the value that the variable has when the slider is at the left (or bottom) of the scrollbar.
 void VariableJSlider.setMin(Value v)
          Set the value that the variable has when the slider is at the left (or bottom) of the slider.
 void Animator.setMin(Value min)
          Set the Value object that gives the starting value of the Animator.
 void DisplayLabel.setValue(Value val)
          A convenience method that can be used when the display string contains just a single #.
 void DisplayLabel.setValues(Value[] vals)
          Set the array of Value objects whose values are displayed in this DisplayLabel, and change the display to show the new values.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Value
Animator(int controls, int orientation, Value min, Value max, Value intervals)
          Create an Animator with specified controls, orienation, range limits and number of intervals
DisplayLabel(java.lang.String text, Value val)
          Convenience method for making a DisplayLabel with just one value to display.
DisplayLabel(java.lang.String text, Value[] vals)
          Create a DisplayLabel to display one or more values.
VariableJSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableJSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p, int intervals, int orientation)
          Create a variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableJSlider(Value min, Value max)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with no name and with the specified range of values.
VariableSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableSlider(java.lang.String name, Value min, Value max, Parser p, int intervals, int orientation)
          Create a variable slider with the given name and range of values, and register it with the given parser (but only if both name and p are non-null).
VariableSlider(Value min, Value max)
          Create a horizontal variable slider with no name and with the specified range of values.

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that implement Value
 class WCMAnimatorBean
 class WCMExpressionInputBean
          This class is primarily for use with GUI builders like Eclipse VE.
 class WCMVariableInputBean
          JavaBean for VariableInput.
 class WCMVariableJSliderBean
          This bean extends VariableJSlider by adding a convenience property.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return Value
 Value WCMAnimatorBean.getIntervals()
          Get the number of intervals.
 Value WCMAnimatorBean.getMax()
          Get the maximum value.
 Value WCMAnimatorBean.getMin()
          Get the minimum value.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Value
 void WCMAnimatorBean.setIntervals(Value intervals)
          Set the number of intervals.
 void WCMAnimatorBean.setMax(Value max)
          Set the maximum value.
 void WCMAnimatorBean.setMin(Value min)
          Set the minimum value.
 void WCMDisplayLabelBean.setValue1(Value v)
          Set the values.
 void WCMDisplayLabelBean.setValue2(Value v)
          Set the values.
 void WCMDisplayLabelBean.setValue3(Value v)
          Set the values.
 void WCMDisplayLabelBean.setValue4(Value v)
          Set the values.

Uses of Value in

Subinterfaces of Value in
 interface Expression
          An Expression represents a mathematical expression such as "x+1" or "3" or "sin(x*ln(x)-3*abs(x/4))".

Classes in that implement Value
 class Constant
          A Constant is a Value that represents a constant real number.
 class ExpressionProgram
          An ExprssionProgram represents a mathematical expression such as "3" or "sin(x^2)", stored in the form of a program for a stack machine.
 class ValueMath
          A ValueMath object is an easy way to create Value objects that are computed from other Value objects.
 class Variable
          A Variable is a Value object whose value can be changed.

Methods in with parameters of type Value
 void ValueMath.setX(Value x)
          Set the X value to use
 void ValueMath.setY(Value y)
          Set the Y value to use

Constructors in with parameters of type Value
ValueMath(Function f, Value x)
          Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed as f(x).
ValueMath(Value x, Value y, char op)
          Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed by applying an arithmetic operator the values of x and y.

Uses of Value in

Classes in that implement Value
 class WCMConstantBean
 class WCMValueMathBean
          Bean version of ValueMath.
 class WCMVariableBean
          This class is for use with GUI builders.

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw declared as Value
protected  Value[] DrawString.values
          Values to be substituted for #'s in the baseString.
protected  Value DrawGeometric.x1
          One of the Value objects that determine the shape that is drawn.
protected  Value DrawGeometric.x2
          One of the Value objects that determine the shape that is drawn.
protected  Value DrawString.xPos
          xy-coords for drawing the string.
protected  Value DrawGeometric.y1
          One of the Value objects that determine the shape that is drawn.
protected  Value DrawGeometric.y2
          One of the Value objects that determine the shape that is drawn.
protected  Value DrawString.yPos
          xy-coords for drawing the string.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that return Value
 Value RiemannSlice.getAxis()
          Get the axis of revolution
 Value RiemannSlice.getCoordinate()
          Get the coordinate where the slice is to be drawn.
 Value RiemannSumRects.getIntervalCount()
          Get the number of intervals used.
 Value RiemannArcLength.getIntervalCount()
          Get the number of intervals used.
 Value ParametricCurve.getIntervals()
          Get the value object, possibly null, that determines the number of points on the curve.
 Value ParametricCurve.getTMax()
          Get the Value object, possibly null, that gives the right endpoint of the domain of the parameter.
 Value ParametricCurve.getTMin()
          Get the Value object, possibly null, that gives the left endpoint of the domain of the parameter.
 Value Sequence.getValueObject()
          Gets a Value object that gives the value of the partial sum for the sequence.
 Value RiemannArcLength.getValueObject()
          Gets a Value object that gives the value of the Riemann arc length
 Value ScatterPlot.getValueObject(int valueCode)
          Get a Value that represents a statistic about the data that is shown in the scatter plot.
 Value RiemannSumRects.getValueObject(int which)
          Gets a Value object that gives the value of the Riemann sum for the specified method.
 Value CoordinateRect.getValueObject(int which)
          Get a Value object representing one of the limits on this CoordinateRect.
 Value[] DrawString.getValues()
          Return the array of values that are substituted for #'s in the string.
 Value DrawGeometric.getX1()
          Get the value that gives the x-coordinate of the first point that determines the shape.
 Value DrawGeometric.getX2()
          Get the value that gives the x-coordinate of the second point that determines the shape.
 Value Sequence.getXMax()
          Get the max x value
 Value RiemannSumRects.getXMax()
          Get the max x value
 Value RiemannSlice.getXMax()
          Get the max x value
 Value RiemannArcLength.getXMax()
          Get the max x value
 Value Sequence.getXMin()
          Get the min x value
 Value RiemannSumRects.getXMin()
          Get the min x value
 Value RiemannSlice.getXMin()
          Get the min x value
 Value RiemannArcLength.getXMin()
          Get the min x value
 Value DrawString.getXPos()
          Return the Value object that gives the x-coordinate of the reference point of this string.
 Value DrawGeometric.getY1()
          Get the value that gives the y-coordinate of the first point that determines the shape.
 Value DrawGeometric.getY2()
          Get the value that gives the y-coordinate of the second point that determines the shape.
 Value DrawString.getYPos()
          Return the Value object that gives the y-coordinate of the reference point of this string.point of this string.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Value
 void DraggablePoint.clampX(Value v)
          Clamp the x-value of the point to v.
 void DraggablePoint.clampY(Value v)
          Clamp the y-value of the point to v.
 void RiemannSlice.setAxis(Value axis)
          Set the axis of revolution.
 void RiemannSlice.setCoordinate(Value coordinate)
          Set the coordinate where the slice is to be drawn.
 void RiemannSumRects.setIntervalCount(Value c)
          Set the interval count (the RiemannSumRects will be redrawn after this function is called).
 void RiemannArcLength.setIntervalCount(Value c)
          Set the interval count (the RiemannArcLength will be redrawn after this function is called).
 void ParametricCurve.setIntervals(Value intervalCount)
          Specify the number of subintervals into which the domain of the parametric curve is divided.
 void ParametricCurve.setLimits(Value tmin, Value tmax)
          Set the Value objects that specify the domain of the parameter.
 void DrawGeometric.setPoints(Value x1, Value y1, int h, int v)
          Set the values that specify a point (x1,y1) and an offset (h,v) from that point.
 void DrawGeometric.setPoints(Value x1, Value y1, Value x2, Value y2)
          Set the Value objects that specify the two points that determine the shape.
 void DrawString.setReferencePoint(Value x, Value y)
          Set the values of the (x,y) coordinates of the reference point for the stirng.
 void ParametricCurve.setTMax(Value tmax)
          Set the Value object that gives the right endpoint of the domain of the parameter.
 void ParametricCurve.setTMin(Value tmin)
          Set the Value object that gives the left endpoint of the domain of the parameter.
 void DrawString.setValues(Value[] v)
          Set the Values that are substituted for (single) #'s in the string.
 void DrawGeometric.setX1(Value x)
          Set the value that gives the x-coordinate of the first point that determines the shape.
 void DrawGeometric.setX2(Value x)
          Set the value that gives the x-coordinate of the second point that determines the shape.
 void Sequence.setXMax(Value max)
          Set the max x value.
 void RiemannSumRects.setXMax(Value max)
          Set the max x value.
 void RiemannSlice.setXMax(Value max)
          Set the max x value.
 void RiemannArcLength.setXMax(Value max)
          Set the max x value.
 void Sequence.setXMin(Value min)
          Set the min x value.
 void RiemannSumRects.setXMin(Value min)
          Set the min x value.
 void RiemannSlice.setXMin(Value min)
          Set the min x value.
 void RiemannArcLength.setXMin(Value min)
          Set the min x value.
 void DrawGeometric.setY1(Value y)
          Set the value that gives the y-coordinate of the first point that determines the shape.
 void DrawGeometric.setY2(Value y)
          Set the value that gives the y-coordinate of the second point that determines the shape.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Value
Crosshair(Value x, Function f)
          Create a cross that appears on the graph of the function y=f(x) at the point with coordinates (x,f(x)).
Crosshair(Value x, Value y)
          Create a cross that appears at the point with coordinates (x,y).
DrawGeometric(int shape, Value x1, Value y1, int h, int v)
          Create a DrawGeometric with a specified shape and values.
DrawGeometric(int shape, Value x1, Value y1, Value x2, Value y2)
          Create a DrawGeometric with the specified shape and values for x1,x2,y1,y2 Any of the shapes makes sense in this context.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos, Value[] values)
          Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the specified position.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos, Value xPos, Value yPos, Value[] values)
          Create a string that is displayed at the reference point (xPos,yPos); The positioning constant, pos, gives the positioning relative to this point, if xPos or yPos is non-null.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos, Value xPos, Value yPos, Value[] values)
          Create a string that is displayed at the reference point (xPos,yPos); The positioning constant, pos, gives the positioning relative to this point, if xPos or yPos is non-null.
ParametricCurve(Function xFunc, Function yFunc, Value tmin, Value tmax, Value intervals)
          Create a parametric curve with the specified values.
RiemannArcLength(Function f, Function f2, Value i, int type)
          Construct a new RiemannArcLength object
RiemannArcLength(Function f, Value i, int type)
          Construct a new RiemannArcLength object.
RiemannSlice(Function uf, Function lf, Value coord, int method, int shape)
          Construct a new RiemannSlice object.
RiemannSumRects(Function f, Function lf, Value i)
          Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
RiemannSumRects(Function f, Value i)
          Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
Sequence(Function f, Value lower, Value upper, int shape)
          Construct a new Sequence object.
TangentLine(Value x, Function f)
          Create a tangent line to the graph of a function.

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that implement Value
 class WCMMouseVariableBean
          This class is a convenience class used when creating applications via a GUI builder.
 class WCMRiemannSumRectsBean

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that return Value
 Value WCMAxisTickBean.getCoord()
          Get the value that defines the coordinate location of the tick mark.
 Value WCMIntegralCurveBean.getDeltaT()
          Get the delta T
 Value WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.getIntervalCount()
          Get the number of intervals.
 Value WCMParametricCurveBean.getIntervals()
          Get the number of intervals.
 Value WCMIntegralCurveBean.getStepsMinus()
          Get the number of steps in the minus direction
 Value WCMIntegralCurveBean.getStepsPlus()
          Get the number of steps in the positive direction
 Value WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getTIntervalsValue()
          Returns as a Value the tIntervals VariableInput.
 Value WCMParametricCurveBean.getTMax()
          Get t max.
 Value WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getTMaxValue()
          Returns as a Value the tMax VariableInput.
 Value WCMParametricCurveBean.getTMin()
          Get t min.
 Value WCMLimitControlPanelBean.getTMinValue()
          Returns as a Value the tMin VariableInput.
 Value WCMTangentLineBean.getTValue()
          get the t value to use when finding the slope and position of the tangent line for a parametric curve
 Value WCMIntegralCurveBean.getXCoord()
          Get the starting x coord
 Value WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.getXMax()
          Get the minimum x value.
 Value WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.getXMin()
          Set the minimum x value
 Value WCMTangentLineBean.getXValue()
          get the x value to use when finding the slope and position of the tangent line
 Value WCMIntegralCurveBean.getYCoord()
          Get the starting y coordinate

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Value
 void WCMDraggablePointBean.setClampXValue(Value v)
          Clamp the point to a value.
 void WCMDraggablePointBean.setClampYValue(Value v)
          Clamp the point to a value.
 void WCMAxisTickBean.setCoord(Value coord)
          Set the value that defines the coordinate location of the tick mark.
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setDeltaT(Value deltaT)
          Set the delta t
 void WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.setIntervalCount(Value c)
          Set the number of intervals.
 void WCMParametricCurveBean.setIntervals(Value intervalCount)
          Set the number of intervals.
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setStepsMinus(Value stepsMinus)
          Set the number of steps in the minus direction
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setStepsPlus(Value stepsPlus)
          Set the number of steps in the positive direction
 void WCMParametricCurveBean.setTMax(Value tmax)
          Set t max.
 void WCMParametricCurveBean.setTMin(Value tmin)
          Set t min.
 void WCMTangentLineBean.setTValue(Value t)
          set the t value to use when finding the slope and position of the tangent line for a parametric curve
 void WCMDrawStringBean.setValue1(Value v)
          Method to set a value for use by DrawString
 void WCMDrawStringBean.setValue2(Value v)
          Method to set a value for use by DrawString
 void WCMDrawStringBean.setValue3(Value v)
          Method to set a value for use by DrawString
 void WCMDrawStringBean.setValue4(Value v)
          Method to set a value for use by DrawString
 void WCMCrossHairBean.setX1(Value v)
          Overrides setX1 in DrawGeometric to also set Y1 if a function has been set
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setXCoord(Value coord)
          Set the starting x coord
 void WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.setXMax(Value max)
          Get the maximum x value.
 void WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.setXMin(Value min)
          Set the maximum x value.
 void WCMTangentLineBean.setXValue(Value x)
          set the x value to use when finding the slope and position of the tangent line
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setYCoord(Value coord)
          Set the starting y coordinate

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Value
WCMAxisTickBean(boolean xAxis, Value coord, java.lang.String labelText)
          Constructor for a new WCMAxisTickBean.
WCMIntegralCurveBean(Function xFunc, Function yFunc, Value x, Value y, Value dt, int method, Value stepsMinus, Value stepsPlus)
          Create an integral curve with the specified functions and method.

Uses of Value in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that implement Value
 class WCMExpressionFunctionBean
          This bean extends ExpressionFunction.