Uses of Class

Packages that use DataTableInput

Uses of DataTableInput in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Subclasses of DataTableInput in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans
 class WCMDataTableInputBean
          This class extends DataTableInput to make it easier to use in GUI builder environments.

Uses of DataTableInput in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that return DataTableInput
 DataTableInput ScatterPlot.getTable()
          Get the DataTableInput from which the plotted data is obtained.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type DataTableInput
 void ScatterPlot.setTable(DataTableInput table)
          Specify the table from which the plotted data is to be taken.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type DataTableInput
ScatterPlot(DataTableInput table)
          Create a scatter plot to plot data from the specified table.
ScatterPlot(DataTableInput table, Expression exp1, Expression exp2)
          Create scatter plot to plot specified expressions using data from a table.
ScatterPlot(DataTableInput table, int column1, int column2)
          Create a scatter plot to plot data from two specified columns in a table.

Uses of DataTableInput in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that return DataTableInput
 DataTableInput WCMScatterPlotBean.getTable()
          Get the DataTableInput being plotted.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type DataTableInput
 void WCMScatterPlotBean.setTable(DataTableInput table)
          Set the DataTableInput being plotted.