Uses of Interface

Packages that use Computable

Uses of Computable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that implement Computable
 class Controller
          Controllers are the focus of all the action in the JCM system.
 class DisplayLabel
          A DisplayLabel is a label that can display numbers embedded in strings.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Computable
 Computable Animator.getOnChange()
          Get the Controller that is notified (by calling its compute() method) whenever the frame changes.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt with parameters of type Computable
 void Animator.setOnChange(Computable onChange)
          Set the Controller that is notified (by calling its compute() method) whenever the frame changes.

Uses of Computable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that implement Computable
 class WCMDisplayLabelBean
          JavaBean version of DisplayLabel.
 class WCMFunctionLabelBean
          This class provides a way to display a text description of a function.

Uses of Computable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that implement Computable
 class CoordinateRect
          A CoordinateRect represents a rectagular region in the xy-plane, specified by values xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax.
 class Crosshair
          A Crosshair is a small cross, 15 pixels wide and high, that is drawn in a CoordinateRect at a specified point.
 class DisplayCanvas
          A DisplayCanvas is a drawing area that can contain one or more CoordinateRects.
 class DrawGeometric
          A DrawGeometric object is a geometic figure such as a line or rectangle that can be drawn in a CoordinateRect.
 class DrawString
          A DrawString object displays a string, possibly multi-line, in a DisplayCanvas, inside the rectangular region of a CoordinateRect.
 class Graph1D
          A Graph1D represents the graph of a function of one variable, to be displayed in a given CoordinateRect.
 class ParametricCurve
          A ParametricCurve is defined by two functions, x(t) and y(t) of a variable, t, for t in a specified interval.
 class RiemannArcLength
          A RiemannArcLength displays segments used in computing the length of a curve.
 class RiemannSlice
          A RiemannSlice shows one slice in a Riemann sum, useful for area and volume applets.
 class RiemannSumRects
          A RiemannSumRects calculates a Riemann sum for a function.
 class ScatterPlot
          A ScatterPlot graphs data taken from a DataTableInput.
 class Sequence
          A Sequence is like a Graph1D, except that only integer values of the independent variable are used, and discrete points are plotted.
 class TangentLine
          A Tangent line is a line that is tangent to the graph of a specified function of one argument at a specified value of its argument.
 class VectorField
          A VectorField displays lines or arrows on a grid of points where the direction and/or lengths are given by two functions (f1(x,y),f2(x,y)).

Uses of Computable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that implement Computable
 class WCMAxisTickBean
          This class provides a convenient way to create a labeled tick mark for one of the axes.
 class WCMCrossHairBean
          This bean extends the CrossHair class (which extends DrawGeometric) by adding a convenience setter.
 class WCMDisplayCanvasBean
          This class extends DisplayCanvas and is primarily for use with GUI builders.
 class WCMDrawGeometricBean
          This bean extends DrawGeometric.
 class WCMDrawStringBean
          This class extends DrawString by providing set methods for up to 4 values to be used in a DrawString.
 class WCMGraph1DBean
          This class is for use with GUI builders.
 class WCMIntegralCurveBean
          An intergral curve draws a solution to a set of differential equations.
 class WCMParametricCurveBean
 class WCMPolarCurveBean
          This convenience class enables you to plot polar curves.
 class WCMRiemannArcLengthBean
 class WCMRiemannSliceBean
 class WCMRiemannSumRectsBean
 class WCMScatterPlotBean
          This bean graphs the points in a WCMDataTableInputBean.
 class WCMSequenceBean
 class WCMTangentLineBean
          This bean draws a tangent line to a function.
 class WCMVectorFieldBean

Uses of Computable in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that return Computable
 Computable TableFunctionGraph.getOnDrag()
          Get the Computable that is notified as the user drags a point.
 Computable TableFunctionGraph.getOnFinishDrag()
          Get the Computable that is notified when the user finishes dragging a point.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Computable
 void TableFunctionGraph.setOnDrag(Computable c)
          Specify a controller whose compute() method will be called repeatedly as the user drags one of the points from the table function.
 void TableFunctionGraph.setOnFinishDrag(Computable c)
          Specify a controller whose compute() method will be called once when the user finishes dragging one of the points from the table function.