Uses of Interface

Packages that use Function

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.applets declared as Function
protected  Function SimpleGraph.func

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt that return Function
 Function ExpressionInput.getFunction(Variable v)
          Get a function of one variable whose value at a real number x is computed by assigning x to the variable v and then returning the value of the expression associated with this ExpressionInput.
 Function ExpressionInput.getFunction(Variable[] v)
          Get a function of one or more variables whose value at arguments x1, x2, etc is computed by assigning the x's to the variables and then returning the value of the expression associated with this ExpressionInput.

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that implement Function
 class WCMExpressionInputBean
          This class is primarily for use with GUI builders like Eclipse VE.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans that return Function
 Function WCMExpressionInputBean.derivative(int wrt)
          Just pass this method on to func
 Function WCMExpressionInputBean.derivative(Variable x)
          Just pass this method on to func
 Function WCMFunctionLabelBean.getFunction()
          Get the function to be displayed
 Function WCMExpressionInputBean.getFunction()
          Just pass this method on to func

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.awt.beans with parameters of type Function
 void WCMFunctionLabelBean.setFunction(Function f)
          Set the function to use for the text string

Uses of Function in

Classes in that implement Function
 class SimpleFunction
          An object belonging to this class is a function of one or more variables.

Methods in that return Function
 Function SimpleFunction.derivative(int wrt)
          Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt, where arguments are numbered starting from 1.
 Function Function.derivative(int wrt)
          Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt.
 Function SimpleFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.
 Function Function.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.

Methods in with parameters of type Function
 void ValueMath.setFunction(Function f)
          Set the function to use

Constructors in with parameters of type Function
ValueMath(Function f, Value x)
          Create a ValueMath object whose value is computed as f(x).

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw that return Function
 Function Sequence.getFuction()
          Returns the function whose sequence is computed.
 Function RiemannSumRects.getFuction()
          Returns the function whose Riemann sums are computed.
 Function RiemannArcLength.getFuction()
          Returns the function whose arc length is computed.
 Function RiemannArcLength.getFuction2()
          Returns the second function.
 Function Graph1D.getFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function whose graph is drawn.
 Function RiemannSumRects.getLowerFuction()
          Returns the lower function.
 Function RiemannSlice.getLowerFuction()
          Returns the lower function.
 Function RiemannSlice.getUpperFuction()
          Returns the upper function for the Riemann slice.
 Function VectorField.getXFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the x-component of the vector field.
 Function ParametricCurve.getXFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the x-coordinate of the curve.
 Function VectorField.getYFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the y-component of the vector field.
 Function ParametricCurve.getYFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the y-coordinate of the curve.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Function
 void DraggablePoint.clampX(Function f)
          Clamp the x-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of x = f(y).
 void DraggablePoint.clampY(Function f)
          Clamp the y-value of the point to the function f, so that the point is constrained to move along the graph of y = f(x).
 void Sequence.setFunction(Function func)
          Set the function whose sequence is to be computed.
 void RiemannSumRects.setFunction(Function func)
          Set the function whose Riemann sums are to be computed.
 void RiemannArcLength.setFunction(Function func)
          Set the function whose arc length is to be computed.
 void Graph1D.setFunction(Function f)
          Set the function to be graphed.
 void RiemannArcLength.setFunction2(Function func)
          Set the second function, used to specify the y function when computing the arc length of a parametric curve.
 void VectorField.setFunctions(Function dx, Function dy)
          Sets the functions that give the components of the vector field.
 void ParametricCurve.setFunctions(Function x, Function y)
          Sets the functions that gives the coordinates of the curve to be graphed.
 void RiemannSumRects.setLowerFunction(Function func)
          Set the lower function, when computing area between curves.
 void RiemannSlice.setLowerFunction(Function func)
          Set the lower function, when computing area between curves.
 void RiemannSlice.setUpperFunction(Function func)
          Set the upper function that defines the top of the slice.
 void VectorField.setXFunction(Function dx)
          Set the function that gives the x-component of the vector field.
 void ParametricCurve.setXFunction(Function x)
          Set the function that gives the x-coordinate of the curve to be graphed.
 void VectorField.setYFunction(Function dy)
          Set the function that gives the y-component of the vector field.
 void ParametricCurve.setYFunction(Function y)
          Set the function that gives the y-coordinate of the curve to be graphed.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw with parameters of type Function
Crosshair(Value x, Function f)
          Create a cross that appears on the graph of the function y=f(x) at the point with coordinates (x,f(x)).
Graph1D(Function func)
          Create a graph of the specified function.
ParametricCurve(Function xFunc, Function yFunc)
          Create a parametric curve with x and y coordinates given by the specified functions of the parameter t.
ParametricCurve(Function xFunc, Function yFunc, Value tmin, Value tmax, Value intervals)
          Create a parametric curve with the specified values.
RiemannArcLength(Function f, Function f2, Value i, int type)
          Construct a new RiemannArcLength object
RiemannArcLength(Function f, Value i, int type)
          Construct a new RiemannArcLength object.
RiemannSlice(Function uf, Function lf, Value coord, int method, int shape)
          Construct a new RiemannSlice object.
RiemannSumRects(Function f, Function lf, Value i)
          Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
RiemannSumRects(Function f, Value i)
          Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
Sequence(Function f, Value lower, Value upper, int shape)
          Construct a new Sequence object.
TangentLine(Value x, Function f)
          Create a tangent line to the graph of a function.
VectorField(Function xFunc, Function yFunc)
          Create a VectorField that will be displayed using the default style, as a direction field of equal-length arrows.
VectorField(Function xFunc, Function yFunc, int style)
          Create a VectorField with the specified functions and style.

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans that return Function
 Function WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.getFuction()
          Get the function.
 Function WCMTangentLineBean.getFunction()
          Get the function being used for the tangent line
 Function WCMPolarCurveBean.getPolarFunction()
          Get the polar function.
 Function WCMVectorFieldBean.getXFunction()
          Get the x function.
 Function WCMTangentLineBean.getXFunction()
          Get the x function being used for the tangent line to a parametric curve
 Function WCMParametricCurveBean.getXFunction()
          Get the x function.
 Function WCMIntegralCurveBean.getXFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the x-component of the integral curve
 Function WCMVectorFieldBean.getYFunction()
          Get the y function.
 Function WCMTangentLineBean.getYFunction()
          Get the y function being used for the tangent line to a parametric curve
 Function WCMParametricCurveBean.getYFunction()
          Get the y function.
 Function WCMIntegralCurveBean.getYFunction()
          Get the (possibly null) function that gives the y-component of the vector field.
 Function WCMCrossHairBean.getYFunction()
          Method to return the function used for the y value

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Function
 void WCMDraggablePointBean.setClampXFunction(Function f)
          Clamp the point to a function x = f(y).
 void WCMDraggablePointBean.setClampYFunction(Function f)
          Clamp the point to a function y = f(x).
 void WCMTangentLineBean.setFunction(Function f)
          set the function to be used for the tangent line.
 void WCMRiemannSumRectsBean.setFunction(Function func)
          Set the function.
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setFunctions(Function dx, Function dy)
          Sets the functions that give the components of the integral curve.
 void WCMPolarCurveBean.setPolarFunction(Function func)
          Set the polar function
 void WCMVectorFieldBean.setXFunction(Function dx)
          Set the x function.
 void WCMTangentLineBean.setXFunction(Function f)
          set the x function to be used for the tangent line to a parametric curve.
 void WCMParametricCurveBean.setXFunction(Function x)
          Set the x function.
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setXFunction(Function dx)
          Set the function that gives the x-component of the integral curve.
 void WCMVectorFieldBean.setYFunction(Function dy)
          Set the y function.
 void WCMTangentLineBean.setYFunction(Function f)
          set the y function to be used for the tangent line to a parametric curve.
 void WCMParametricCurveBean.setYFunction(Function y)
          Set the y function.
 void WCMIntegralCurveBean.setYFunction(Function dy)
          Set the function that gives the y-component of the integral curve.
 void WCMCrossHairBean.setYFunction(Function f)
          Method to set the Y1 value when a function is used.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.draw.beans with parameters of type Function
WCMIntegralCurveBean(Function xFunc, Function yFunc, Value x, Value y, Value dt, int method, Value stepsMinus, Value stepsPlus)
          Create an integral curve with the specified functions and method.

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that implement Function
 class ExpressionFunction
          An ExpressionFunction is a Function that is created from an expression and a list of variables that serve as the parameter(s) of the function.
 class FunctionParserExtension
          An object belonging to a concrete subclass of FunctionParserExtesion is a mathematical function that can be registered with a Parser and then used in strings that are parsed by that parser.
 class TableFunction
          A TableFunction is a function that is specified by a table of (x,y)-points.
 class WrapperFunction
          A WrapperFunction contains another function and delegates to it all calls to methods from the Function interface, except for calls to setName() and getName().

Fields in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions declared as Function
protected  Function ZeroFinder.function
          The function, for which zeros are to be found ( should be continous!)

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions that return Function
 Function WrapperFunction.derivative(int wrt)
          Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt, where arguments are numbered starting from 1.
 Function TableFunction.derivative(int wrt)
          Compute the derivative of this function.
 Function ExpressionFunction.derivative(int wrt)
          Return the derivative of the function with repect to argument number wrt, where the arguments are numbered 1, 2, 3,....
 Function WrapperFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x (where x is NOT one of the parameters of the function).
 Function TableFunction.derivative(Variable wrt)
          Returns null.
 Function ExpressionFunction.derivative(Variable x)
          Return the derivative of the function with respect to the variable x.
 Function WrapperFunction.getFunction()
          Return the function that is currently wrapped in this WrapperFunction.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Function
 void ZeroFinder.setFunction(Function newFunction)
          Sets the Function attribute of the ZeroFinder object
 void WrapperFunction.setFunction(Function f)
          Set the function that is contained in this WrapperFunction.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions with parameters of type Function
WrapperFunction(Function f)
          Create a WrapperFunction object containing a specified function.
ZeroFinder(Function inFunction)
          The object with standard precision parameters

Uses of Function in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans

Classes in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that implement Function
 class WCMDerivativeBean
          This class is used with GUI builders to create an object that is the derivative of some function.
 class WCMExpressionFunctionBean
          This bean extends ExpressionFunction.
 class WCMTableFunctionBean
          This bean implements a TableFunction.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans that return Function
 Function WCMExpressionFunctionBean.derivative(int wrt)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.
 Function WCMExpressionFunctionBean.derivative(Variable x)
          Overridden to check if a redefine is needed.

Methods in net.sourceforge.webcompmath.functions.beans with parameters of type Function
 void WCMDerivativeBean.setFunction(Function f)
          Set this object's function to the derivative of the argument.